Monday, February 11, 2008

Angela & Mark- Engagement

So we did this a little bit backwards. Because of the nasty flu and bronchitis epedemic in Austin we couldn't do these before the wedding. We were SO lucky! The weather was beautiful! This was our first trip to Mt. Bonnell and we couldn't have asked for a better day. My special assistant was there to help me with the shadows- Thanks Reed!! Anyway- best wishes to Angela and Mark as they begin a new chapter of thier lives.
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Angela & Mark- engagement

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Wynns- The first shoot.

This was my very first shoot with Aiden. Looking at these I can not believe that he has grwon up so fast. I am sure Rosemary and Monty feel the same way!!
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The Macks

Like the Propes' photos, these are older... We went to the Wildflower Center to take these beautiful photos. These two kiddos had a blast. Thank God for digital photography... we were able to take a bunch of frames and really have fun. This is just a taste of the good ones.
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The Propes

These are a little old- but I thought I would post them since we are heading into Spring. The Propes were a ton of fun to shoot. What a fun little boy. What beautiful flowers!!
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Monday, February 4, 2008

Angela and Mark

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Angela & Mark

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Angela & Mark

Angela and Mark are a beautiful couple... Angela was a delighful bride, so full of love and so giddy! They couldn't have asked for better weather!!! We are taking the engagement photos on Tuesday- a little backwards, but that is what happens in Texas. The weather makes things interesting. Mark and Angela- thank you for making me part of your special day!!
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