Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Website Launched!

I have finally done it! I real life, grown up web page! Please take a look-

I will still maintain this blog, so keep it bookmarked!!

All the best!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

under construction...

For those of you who look at my blog on a regular basis, thank you! You might have noticed that I haven't been posting much. The reason for this is that I have been really busy. (with work and photography) I recently purchased a new Mac computer, so I am working on a fancy web page. I will be sure to send out the link once its published. Be on the look out for some of my latest work, I will try to publish that very soon! Take care!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Greyson 2

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Allie and Greyson!! I think my favorite of these is his cute little feet! I get it from my mom, she loves baby feet! Greyson is such a cute kiddo. I think he liked the bluebonnets a little more than he liked me, but we were able to get some fantastic shots. Thank you Allie for letting me invade your day in the beautiful field of flowers!
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Cousins 2

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So Mike & Becca have Annie and Christy and Rocky have Merrel and Lyla! They are cousin, not tripplets. But how much fun was this! All six of these ladies were a joy to shoot. For those of you who know Mike- you can pick out his little one! Oh- and she has an A on her dress.
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Annika and Eli 3

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Annika and Eli 2

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Annika and Eli

Annika and Eli! what a fabulous couple! I took 200+ photos of these two. They are getting married out of town and these photos are for their reception- which I am also shooting. We had a blast at the Zilker Botanical Gardens. My niece and nephew were great little assistants. Annika is so photogenic and these too are so in love!
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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Mireles Family

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Mireles Family 2

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Mireles Family

We went to Mayfield park. This place is pretty darn cool. If you are an Austinite and you haven't been there you totally should check it out. There are peacoks and some really neat trails! Anyway- we had a great time. Both of these boys are big hams. Enjoy!
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Monday, March 31, 2008


This is the second time that I have had the opportunity to take some photos of Connor. This was at the Easter Egg hunt. He is such a precious little boy and LOVES the camera. Such a cute little smile.
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